Welcome to PyIPASNHistory’s documentation!

This is the client API for IP ASN History:


The package is available on PyPi, so you can install it with:

pip install pyipasnhistory


You can use ipasnhistory as a python script:

$ ipasnhistory -h
usage: ipasnhistory [-h] [--url URL] (--meta | --file FILE | --ip IP) [--source SOURCE] [--address_family ADDRESS_FAMILY] [--date DATE] [--first FIRST]
                                        [--last LAST]

Run a query against IP ASN History

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             URL of the instance.
  --meta                Get meta information.
  --file FILE           Mass process queries from a file.
  --ip IP               IP to lookup
  --source SOURCE       Source to query (currently, only "caida" and "ripe_rrc00" are supported)
  --address_family ADDRESS_FAMILY
                                                Can be either v4 or v6
  --date DATE           Exact date to lookup. Fallback to most recent available.
  --first FIRST         First date in the interval
  --last LAST           Last date in the interval

Or as a library:

Indices and tables